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All the latest News from Phoenix Homecare and Support
Back out and talking to people!
We were very happy to join the Careers Fair held in the Wynnstay Hotel and Spa, Oswestry hosted with the support of Landau Employment Services! The event aims to help people throughout Shropshire who are currently struggling to get back into work, or people who are just exploring new career avenues.
Phoenix raises £178.25 for Alzheimer's society on cupcake day
JUNE. 12, 2020
Phoenix were excited to celebrate Cupcake Day and earn some money for Alzheimer's Society! As you can imagine, treatment and research into dementia is very important to us and our work. Day after day, our carers support those who suffer from this disease, to help the maintain their independence as much as possible.
Virtual dementia bus comes to Phoenix
FEB. 21, 2020
Phoenix Homecare and Support were proud to host the Dementia bus at our Head office! We were able to give our carers, the families of the service users we look after and the public a better understanding of the condition and a better guide to help care for a dementia patient